Demographic and Income Statistics of Blanchard, Oklahoma: An Expert's Perspective

This article takes an in-depth look at the demographic and income statistics of Blanchard, Oklahoma. Learn how businesses can use this data to create targeted marketing campaigns.

Demographic and Income Statistics of Blanchard, Oklahoma: An Expert's Perspective

Blanchard, Oklahoma is a small city located in the state of Oklahoma. It has a population of 8,845 people, according to the latest census data. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the demographic and income statistics of Blanchard, Oklahoma. The unemployment rate in Blanchard is 5.20%, which means that 2,102 people are out of work. There are a total of 3,007 households in Blanchard, and the average household size is 2.82 people.

As for families, the total number is 2,488 and the average family size is 3.06 people. There are a total of 3,181 housing units in Blanchard, Oklahoma. Of these units, 3,007 (94.53%) are occupied and 174 (5.47%) are vacant. The median age is an important metric as it gives us an idea of the age distribution of people in Blanchard, Oklahoma. The table below shows the age groups with a granularity of 10 years for ease of use.

The raw data, which can be purchased above, includes age and gender with a granularity of 5 years.

Race Population in Blanchard

The race and ethnicity of Blanchard's population can be very important for social research, economics and marketing in a multicultural society. The table below breaks down the population and percentage for each race and ethnicity in Blanchard, Oklahoma.

Income Statistics

Income statistics are also essential when analyzing Blanchard's demographics. This is calculated by dividing the total income of all people in Blanchard by the total number of people in Blanchard. The following list contains demographic and income statistics for places in the areas surrounding Blanchard.

Means of Transportation

We can also look at the means of transportation in Blanchard to see what modes of transport people use to get to work.

Properties Built

We can also examine the number of properties built in a given year to see the expansion of the age of properties in Blanchard, Oklahoma. As an expert on SEO optimization, it is important to note that these demographic and income statistics can be used to create targeted marketing campaigns for businesses looking to reach potential customers in Blanchard.

By understanding the demographics and income levels of this city, businesses can create more effective campaigns that will reach their target audience.

Brooke Almada
Brooke Almada

Freelance internet scholar. Avid music fan. Award-winning pop culture trailblazer. Hardcore baconaholic. Hardcore bacon specialist.

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